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Helen (Ying) Zhang

Research Fellow

Helen (Ying) Zhang current research interests include: carbon markets, especially the carbon Emission Trading Schemes in China and global; carbon accounting and auditing; carbon finance; and low carbon economic development in China.

Having being a Visiting Associate Scholar at UBC since 2015, Helen participated two research projects named the Low-carbon

Development of the Small and Medium Cities in China and the Linkage Between Global and China Carbon Emission Trading Systems.

Helen is a member of CPA and CIA (Certified Internal Auditor), and received an EMBA from Xiamen University. She has rich experience in consulting, auditing, financial management, business and investment analysis, enterprise resource planning, performance management, comprehensive budgeting management and project management, as serviced several public companies and private enterprises. She has completed serval successful cases and projects in China.

As a professional expert and a senior manager in China, Helen is also interested in strategic planning, business development, carbon assets management, and wood and forest related business investment.

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