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Yazhen Gong

Research Fellow

PhD, Forest Resource Economics, University of British Columbia (2010)
M.S., Forest Resource Economics, University of the Philippines at Los Banos (2001)
B.E., Statistics, Beijing Forestry University (1995)

Development and environment, applied econometrics, experimental economics

 Visiting professor, Korea Development Institute School, Korea, 2016.6 – 2016.7.
 Research associate (full time without salary), Department of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 2015-2016
 Visiting Scholar at University of California, Berkeley. 2014-2015.
 Post-doc (non-residence), UNESCO IHE, 2012-2014.
 Assistant/associate professor, School of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China. 2010 – present.
 Senior research assistant, Center for Chinese Agricultural Policies, Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2001-2003
 Assistant Economist, Forestry Department of Guizhou Province. 1995-1999.

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