Uncategorised (中文) 与其更好,不如不同——挑战造就传奇 GBIC 2019/05/01 Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文. Read more...
Uncategorised GBIC is now hiring Senior Assistant / GBIC Executive Office GBIC 2019/03/04 Job title: Senior Assistant, GBIC Executive Office Job description: Performs a variety of highly responsible, confidential and complex secretarial and administrative duties for the GBIC Executive Office. The incumbent acts as a liaison…
Uncategorised 灰熊研究院的使命 SJK Admin 2017/05/23 加拿大灰熊研究院是一家非营利、独立、第三方的加拿大智库,是由来自北美等大著名大学的华裔教授、学者和华裔企业家共同发起设立。其总部位于美丽的温哥华。